Lett Direct Shoptalk 2020

by Paula Jeske

October 1, 2020

Lett Direct announced results today around the success of our direct-to-consumer retailer’s multichannel efforts through the COVID-19 pandemic.

Every month, Lett Direct reports YTD demand results for their clients. This is a composite of actual results for catalog companies. This chart, as part of our full Results Index Summary, is released in our monthly NewsLETTer and shows the average variances from the prior year for circulation, gross demand revenue, orders, and average order sizes.

Lett Direct’s B2C clients surpassed 2020 expectations by utilizing innovative print plans, which fully integrate a digital strategy. Year-to-date tracking reveals increases in Orders (+23%), Demand (+27%) and AOV (+3%), all while reducing circulation costs.

By balancing the timing, targeting and volume of catalog mailings in conjunction with paid search and email, clients in the Food, Gift, Outdoor, Pet Care, Health & Wellness, Home Décor and Clothing categories offset further disruption to their direct business. They continued to satisfy buyers, as well as acquire significant numbers of new customers to their brands. With catalog as a significant driver to ecommerce, online ROAS levels have been as high as 100% over plan.

Lett Direct specializes in print catalog and digital marketing services. We provide strategies through circulation planning, demand forecasting, plan execution and analysis for new and existing print mailers. Digitally, we focus on search engine optimization (SEO), paid search (PPC) and attribution analysis & modeling. Our mission is to help catalog and eCommerce companies grow profitably while providing the highest possible level of customer service and performance. Lett Direct is a Google Premier Partner.

Lett Direct Shoptalk 2020